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Matt Peppes
for Leawood City Council in Ward 1


We need your help to make Matt Peppes the next Leawood City Council Member in Ward 1!

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Let's take the first step towards a brighter future, and let's take it together.

It has always been a goal of mine to become more involved with the community in which I reside. I’ve lived in Leawood almost my entire life so the city has always held a special place in my heart. It’s a city I’m proud to be a resident of and I am deeply committed to helping the city grow and thrive, while also ensuring that it remains a great place for families to call home. 

My open-minded approach is what sets me apart from others as I recognize the value of active listening and the positive impact that quality can have when serving as a leader in the City of Leawood. I am dedicated to representing my fellow neighbor's interests and ideas by working with them to address concerns and find solutions that will enhance the entire well-being of the community.

Matt Peppes for Leawood City Council in Ward 1

Make a Donation

I greatly appreciate your contribution which helps me ensure the city of Leawood continues to grow and remains a great place for us to live and thrive.

Checks can be sent to "Matt Peppes for Leawood City Council" and mailed to:
9301 Lee Court, Leawood, KS 66206

Maximum donation is $500 during the Primary Election period before August 1st, 2023 and $500 during the General Election period before November 7th, 2023.


I recognize the value of being accessible and responsive to the people's needs. I will listen to your concerns, and I will be a strong and effective voice for our community at City Hall. Together, we can make a real difference!


Ensuring public safety is a crucial responsibility of local government. This includes providing resources for law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency responders, as well as investing in programs that promote crime prevention and community engagement. By working together, we can create safer, more resilient communities for everyone.


City infrastructure plays a critical role in creating liveable communities. Well-maintained roads, bridges, and other facilities are essential to support economic growth, improve public safety, and enhance the quality of life for residents.

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Johnson County Voter Registration

To register to vote, or change your registration, please visit the Johnson County Election Office website located at:

Advanced Voting in Johnson County

To learn more information about Advanced Voting by mail, please visit the Johnson County Election Office “Advance Voting” voter information page at:

Matt Peppes for Leawood City Council Ward 1
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Copyright © 2025 Matt Peppes for Leawood City Council - All Rights Reserved.

Paid for by Matt Peppes for Leawood City Council, Treasurer Gregory Peppes

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